
Buyang Li

Professor and RGC Research Fellow
Department of Applied Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Email address:

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests     Publication     Research Group     PhD, Postdoc and Visiting Scholar Positions

PhD Position:

  • A PhD student position is available in the research group of Prof. Buyang Li. Candidates with Bachelor or Master degree in mathematics are welcome to apply.

    Interested candidates may send CV and BSc transcripts to email address:
  • Postdoc Position:

  • A two-year or three-year Postdoctoral Fellow position in computational mathematics is available.
    Candidates with strong background in analysis are welcome to apply.
    Candidates with strong coding skills are also welcome to apply.

    Interested candidates may send CV (with publications) to email address:

  • Visiting Scholar Progammes:

  • 香江学者计划(Hong Kong Scholar Progamme)

  • 天元数学访问学者项目